Connection to the distribution network is, in particular, the process that aims to supply electricity to a newly constructed facility or to change the power supply to an existing facility. We comprehensively analyse and verify the customer’s power supply needs, advise on the optimum power supply system solution and then prepare the relevant applications on behalf of the customer, submit them to the relevant DSO and pilot the issue of conditions.
Why is it worth obtaining grid connection conditions with PowerOn?
The design and construction of a connection is a decision that can be a great success. PowerOn guarantees:
- a free consultation,
- advice on optimal solutions for the power supply system,
- to guide you through all the formalities,
- design and construction of the power connection,
- preparation of applications on behalf of the customer and submission to the relevant Distribution System Operator (DSO).
Main advantages of obtaining grid connection conditions:
- Increase in connection power,
- Internal adaptation of the installation,
- Obtaining maximum power from the grid.
What is the procedure for connection to the grid?
The procedure for connection to the grid is as follows:
- Submission of an application for connection conditions,
- Conclusion of an agreement for connection,
- Execution of the connection agreement,
- Conclusion of an energy supply agreement.
An application for the determination of connection conditions should include (Article 7, Section 3b and Section 8d of the aforementioned Act and § 7 of the aforementioned Ordinance):
- designation of the entity applying for connection – the applicant;
- identification of the property, facility or premises to which energy is to be supplied;
- information necessary to provide the technical and operational requirements referred to in Article 7a of the aforementioned Act;
- determination of the connection power for each electricity supply point;
- the anticipated annual consumption of electricity;
- the anticipated date of commencement of electricity supply or consumption;
- technical parameters, operating and operational characteristics of connected equipment, installations or networks, in the case of entities classified as connection groups I–IV;
- specification of the minimum power required to ensure the safety of persons and property in the event of introducing restrictions on the supply and off-take of electricity for entities classified in connection groups I–III;
- technical information regarding disturbances introduced by the applicant’s devices, installations and networks and load characteristics, necessary for the definition of the terms and conditions of connection for entities classified as connection groups I–IV;
The application for the definition of the connection conditions shall be accompanied by:
- a document confirming the legal title of the applicant to use the building in which the facilities, installations or network are to be used;
- a development plan or location sketch specifying the location of the building in which the facilities, installations or networks to be connected will be used, in relation to the existing network and the location of neighbouring facilities;
When do we submit a connection application?
The connection process begins from the date on which PowerOn submits an up-to-date application to determine the terms and conditions for the connection of consumer facilities, installations or networks to the electricity grid, together with a set of required appendices.
We submit the conditions when:
- we are erecting a building object, i.e. a production plant, garage, service pavilion,
- the aim is to increase the connection capacity,
- we want to replace or reconstruct the connection,
- we want to supply your building site with electricity.
How long does it take to issue connection conditions?
An energy undertaking dealing with electricity transmission or distribution is obliged to issue connection conditions within the following time limits (Article 7 Section 8g of the aforementioned Act and § 9 of the aforementioned Ordinance):
- 14 days from the day of submitting a complete application by an applicant classified as IV, V, or VI connection group, connected to the grid with a voltage no higher than 1 kV;
- 30 days from the date of filing a complete application by an electricity generator classified as IV, V, or VI connected to the grid with a voltage no higher than 1 kV;
- 30 days from the date of submission of an application for the determination of the conditions for connection by an applicant connected to a network with a voltage rating no higher than 1 kV, and in the case of the connection of a source – from the date of submission of a complete application or advance payment;
- 60 days from the date of submitting a complete application by an applicant classified as group III or VI, connected to a network with voltage above 1 kV;
- 90 days from the day of submitting a complete application by an applicant assigned to connection group I or II;
- 150 days from the date of submission of the application for definition of the terms and conditions of connection by an applicant connected to the grid with voltage rating higher than 1 kV, and in the case of source connection – from the date of submission of a complete application or advance payment.