Metering system upgrades

Metering system upgrades

Take advantage of the Metering System Upgrade service from PowerOn.Carrying out an upgrade gives you the freedom to choose your electricity retailer and adapts your metering system to meet the needs of your business.

Why do you want to upgrade the metering systems with PowerOn?

Performing a metering system upgrade can prove to be a great success. PowerOn guarantees:

  • a comprehensive analysis of your needs,
  • a solution adapted to your requirements and budget,
  • consultancy.

Main advantages of the TPA:

  • Safety – Online monitoring of energy consumption,
  • Savings – Ability to choose any supplier.
  • Transparency – Settlement based on actual consumption.



Below we have provided a collection of the necessary documents for the valuation of a metering upgrade. All these documents are also agreed directly with the Principal before the valuation is carried out:

  • Issued conditions from the DSO for the adjustment of the metering system;
  • Distribution or comprehensive service invoice;
  • Diagram of the existing supply system;
  • Technical documentation;
  • If the transformer station is inside the building, floor plans of the building (Sn switching station, transformer station, meter board) are required;
  • Photographs of the metering system – photos of current and voltage transformers and the meter board.


2. What is the purpose of upgrading the metering system?

For the energy consumer to take advantage of the TPA rule (purchase of energy from a selected seller), the electricity metering and settlement system must be (colloquially) adjusted to the TPA rule and, according to the formal nomenclature of the Distribution System Operator (DSO) – meet the current technical requirements for the metering and settlement system specified in the ‘Instruction of the Transmission System Operation and Maintenance’ (IRiESD) of the local DSO.

The obligation to adapt the system to the TPA principle lies with the owner of this metering system. Therefore, if it is your property (and this is the case for most of the Consumers supplied from the MV 15 kV and HV 110 kV networks), the upgrade of metering systems is your own responsibility. If you are a Consumer supplied from the LV 0.4 kV network, the metering system is the property of the DSO and it is their responsibility to upgrade it.


What is the TPA principle?

Third-party Access, TPA Third Party Access (Third Party Access Principle) – the principle that the owner or operator of the network infrastructure of the external seller (third parties) has been made available by the owner or operator to provide the services to its Consumer.

Through the application of the TPA principle, it becomes possible to demonopolise the market. End-consumers of goods/services have the right to make a free choice of the Provider of a given good or service. The application of the TPA principle in the energy sector is aimed at strengthening competition in the market and generally has the effect of lowering prices.

4. What are the costs of upgrading metering systems?

Our experience over the years has shown that the upgrade costs depend mainly on the scope of the upgrade as defined in the technical design and are related to the current state of the metering system. In the case of an upgrade of only a part of the infrastructure, the cost may amount to several thousand, while in the case of an upgrade of the full scope including the replacement of a set of transformers, the cost may amount even to several dozen thousand.

Analyses we often carry out for our customers show that the payback periods for a metering system adjustment range from 3 to 12 months and depend mainly on the amount of energy consumed and the prices offered by the new energy supplier.

5. TPA principle – what is the scope of a metering system adjustment

  1. The first step is to apply to the local DSO to determine the technical requirements for the electricity metering and settlement system. Such an application can be made directly by the Consumer – or under a power of attorney granted to us, we can make such an application on behalf of the Consumer.
  2. The next step is to collect information about the current metering system – the customer provides a diagram of the system, information about the transformers, pictures of the metering system and the meter board, a diagram of the premises indicating the switching station and the meter board, or we carry out a site inspection ourselves.
  3. After receipt of all these data, we present an offer for the upgrade within the scope:
  • Compilation and agreement of the technical design with the DSO.
  • Dismantling the existing electricity metering system.
  • Installation of equipment according to specifications.
  • Commissioning of the energy metering system and transmission of metering data.
  • Signing of the acceptance report of the system by the DSO – once the acceptance report with the DSO has been signed, your agreement with the new energy seller can come into force. From now on, you can start enjoying the freedom of choice in the energy market.

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We help in conducting specialist audits, documentation analysis, we support you in choosing a seller, and we also undertake actions to optimize your distribution costs.

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